Getting to zero carbon emissions won’t save the world. We’ll have to also remove carbon from the air—a massive undertaking unlike anything we’ve ever done.
Editing the genomes of our gut bacteria will “create a whole new field of biology” in the coming decades, a Nobel prize-winning geneticist has said at the opening of a...
The Arctic is warming at least twice as fast as the rest of the planet, setting off complicated feedback loops that accelerate change. Lightning, a warm-weather phenomenon is becoming all too common in the North Pole, and can cause harmful Arctic wildfires.
While wind farms have been erected on land and sea for decades, Hywind Scotland is the first to float. The approach enables wind farms in much deeper water where there are often stronger winds, opening up large areas to renewable energy.
A key method for removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, reforestation is increasingly touted in plans to tackle climate change. But a study finds that tree nurseries in the U.S. will need to rapidly accelerate their production of seedlings to more than double the current rate in order to meet target climate goals.
Researchers have identified a powerful source of cloud-making aerosols in remote environments: iodine. Even the smallest modifications in the behavior of aerosols could have massive implications, namely accelerating melting in the Arctic region.
Research indicates that seaweed could be a powerful tool in reducing greenhouse gases emitted by livestock. Adding a small amount of a particular species of seaweed called asparagopsis to a cow's diet can decrease the amount of methane produced by 98 percent.