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How crops are being disaster-proofed

CRISPR , Environment
Traditional crop breeding can be time-consuming and laborious. Brad Ringeisen, the executive director of the Innovative Genomics Institute (IGI) at the University of California (Berkeley and San Francisco), believes that gene editing using tools like Crispr-Cas9 is the most impactful way of ensuring that crops can withstand disasters.

Plant Turns Suspected Crop Pest Into Pollinator

A Costa Rican flower has turned this foe into friend, according to a new study. One species of the so-called arum plant has evolved to attract a species of plant bug instead of a typical beetle pollinator, helping them spread their pollen far and wide.

Scientists Flood Forests to Mimic Rising Seas

Using a web of PVC pipes and rubber hoses, researchers are simulating a flood of the future in a dense forest just a few miles from Chesapeake Bay. Researchers hope to build a global model that will help scientists understand what events lead to the earliest stages of tree stress and when forests near coasts start converting to wetlands.